Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I love my mother

Name : Intan Nabilawati Fatimah
Class : 3_C
NPM : 08211210021

I love my mother

Mother is the most precious person in my life. She had never known the tired, tired and complaining to my care. Sacrifice she has given I can not imagine and I pay with materials. The sacrifice of a mother who never despair. She has long 9 month always eager to raise me. It was time she gave birth to me between life and death to save his beloved son, with the spirit and the struggle that was so full of sacrifice finally born a baby girl who was so beautiful. How pleased parent and my family over the birth of a baby who are waiting for 9 month. Mother caring for and look after her, she loved and was loved. While maintaining sleep too mother without complaint, even a mosquito can not touch it. Maternal care of the little since until now never gave up or felt tired with the situation and never give up. Our present time the mother told us just to buy tomatoes to the shop, and we often do not want to and say "ah mother the pretty girls like me on the send to go to the shop to buy tomatoes, prestige house ". How sick mother heard her son. By saying "ah" it is not allowed. Heaven's mother’s feet. Many people often say. Paradise on the mother's feet Prophet Muhammad if we disobeyed her punished in the afterlife, otherwise if we are devoted to mother the heavens place. Therefore I forgive my mother was never grateful for what she gave, too often hurt my mother and her scratch. Mother is a gift given by God to me, without my mother would never have existed in the world and knows all natural contents, because mother are always feeding and caring with all my heart and soul. Mother who was always there beside me. I will strive to please my parents, especially mothers. I really love you, you proud and admire you. Nothing can replace only the mother but the mother I love so much.

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