Tuesday, July 19, 2011





In learning language, vocabulary is a significant thing because it carries massage to convey ideas or information. Learning a foreign language requires the student to learn its vocabulary. Without adequate knowledge of English vocabulary, student are not able to communicate well in English. Student cannot deliver or receive massages effectively. Vocabulary has important role in learning a foreign language, as it one of the language component in communicative competence. Vocabulary is very important element in language learning ; since it supports the four Language skills (reading, speaking, listening, and writing). (www://karya-ilmiah.um.ac.id/index.php/disertasi/article/view/6223.21-june at 0.23 am)). Concerning the statement above, it means that the students have to mastery of vocabulary; it is the base element in learning language. The vocabulary has a big influenceIning language especially in language skill. In learning as teacher not only feel responsible for our own use of language. We also feel compelled to focus on vocabulary study so that our students are exposed to rich, expressive language . As teacher the academic proving ground that looms most closely for our student. However most teachers have goals larger than having their students do well in tests. Theacher want to involve their student in productive vocabulary instruction because they know the value of well- chosen words. Vocabulary instruction is one of those educational arenas in which research. Whernever we think of language and language learning we usually think of mastering the vocabulary –of learning the “words”. Mastering vocabulary is not difficult , it depends on our will, yet other aspect of language should be considered such as sound and grammar. As one of language elements vocabulary is suppossed to be practiced so that we can speak the language well. A good vocabulary goes hand in hand with our ability to think logically and to learn easily and quickly. A good vocabulary and our ability to use word correctly and effectively can be our passport to words of interesting and exciting. Large vocabulary help us express our ideas precisely in communication. Many students find difficulty in mastering English vocabulary . Some factors are they do not understand The English vocabulary, the meaning and how to relate in the senctence . Beside that they do not how vocabulary use it. Sometimes making mistake, being laughed by their friend. And lack of confidence of theirown abilities. For this reason, the teacher can use effective methods that encourage student to take apart actively in the class. There is a method that can be used by the teacher to improve the student’s English vocabulary. It is doing watching video of King Movie. According to the reason above, i decided to compose this miniscrip by giving its title : “ Teaching English Vocabulary of Animal Through Lion King Movie”.

Theoretical Background
A. Notion of Teaching Vocabulary
Vocabulary is one of the language components which support the teaching and learning of the four language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing). Teaching is the activities of educating, instructing or teaching activities that impart knowledge or skill. But the meaning of teaching its large and has different difinition. Its depond on the context or major that relation or corelation with concerned sentence. Most people knows teaching is teacher’s activities in school or place to looking for knowledge or science or in formal education. Teaching always relate with education and knowledges, science, or skill. If learners do not have enough vocabulary they cannot understand what they listen, read, or write. Meanwhile, many difficulties and obstacles would be found when teaching vocabulary. There are some key principles of teaching vocabulary: Build a large sight of vocabulary, integrated new words with previous word, facilitate imaging, make a new word “real” by connecting them to student’ words, use variaty technique.
As teacher, we should understand or knows about the material that the teacher will teach to the student. And the way to teach, the teacher should know the method to teach with good or run well. Because if the teacher understand well and prepare the material or subject that they want to explain to the student ofcourse can influence the success of teaching the student and suitable with planing. Teacher have to realize that teaching vocabulary is not only giving a new word related with the topeng

B. Notion of vocabulary
Elfrida and Michael L (2005:95) give difinition The word vocabulary itself can be confusing. They took difinition from Fountoukidis, & Polk, 1985, Sometimes educators talk about a "sight vocabulary" or a set of the most common words in English (e.g., Fry, Fountoukidis, & Polk, 1985). It is certainly important for children to recognize instantly a set of 100 or 300 or more words in print, especially because a small number of words (105, according to Adams, 1990) accounts for 50% of the words children encounter in a typical reading passage. I believe that these different vocabularies have different demands and should be taught in different ways. Vocabulary can be defined as the range (or repertoire) of values in any field of bibliographic description and, in a more extended sense, the range of types in a set at any level (word, field, collection, and library). But in vocabulary there are some problem In other meaning of vocabulary actually is not always clear. Meanwhile Cruse (2006:190) mentions that what contitutes a word different from language to language and even within a single language. Schmitt (2000: 19) who points out that “ One of the keys in learning a foreign language is mastery the second language’s vocabulary. Vocabulary is not usually regarded a vocabulary in king movie, digital or otherwise. Vocabulary in lion king movie discourse is more often concerned with the names of animals, natural, weather, and the activities of the animals in that movie. But in this paper we take a closer look at what can be said about "vocabulary" in lion king movie, especially the names of animals, activities of the animals,and make simple sentence that concerned with the story of lion king movie.

C. Notion of Movie
Movie is one type of audio visual media, in addition to the film. That many developed for the purposes of learning, usually packaged in the form of VCD.
. A movie is a communicative instrument between a teacher and his/her students in the class. With movie can make the students more understand about the problems and they will keep it for a long time. The movie helps the students study more effectively, actively, and enjoyably. Harmer, J (2001:136)
A movie is also representation of anything (stories, feeling, description etc)
D. Kinds of Vocabulary
Scoft Thombury (2002:1-4) relate vocabulary that dealing with the user of the language, which the writer summarizes as follows:
1. General Vocabulary
The words that are used in the general, it means that these vocabularies there are no limited of user and field. And it has general meaning and using.
2. Special Vocabulary
The words that are used in the certain field, job, or profession. Or special science, or technology. For example : economic, medicine, politicians and so on.
From all of kinds of vocabulary above, people can understand that vocabulary is not only an individual word but vocabulary also has many kinds and can divide into based on categories, user, form, and function.

E. Teaching English Vocabulary of Animal Through Lion King Movie
In Indonesia educational system, English is taught at the elementary level usually introduce at the first grade students. Some teachers try to make English learning more interesting by using media such as TV programs or movie. Actually the teachers can start from simple way in learning English by using visual media such as newspaper, short story and magazine. But teaching using movie is more interesting and the students easy to understand what is the point or mean in that movie. These media to teach English as an alternative way to support the existing materials in the school. The movie in here is lion king movie as example in teaching vocabulary. I just take the point of that movie and what in my mind. Not whole of the movie. If the teacher focus in vocabulary, they can use the stories of that film. The student try to mention the kind of vocabulary that they knows and they watch the movie, answer question and the teachers would like to teach speaking, they can make conversation or retell the story or what happen after watching the movie, they can make simple sentence using vocabulary that related which that movie. Beside that they can be able to mention the kinds of animal, what do they do or activities?, understan and knows kind of sound animals.
F. The Problem in Learning Vocabulary
Achieving thorough vocabulary knowledge is a goal that may never be
reached, even by intelligent adults. Even though we, as educated adults,
know thousands of words, there are always words that we see or hear that we
do not know. Certainly if someone wants to be able to communicate with another person in English, she or he has to have enough stocks of words or vocabularies and understand yhe meaning of that words.. The process of communication may be likened to the flow of traffic on a four-lane high ways, of themselves do not take anything where.
Vocabulary as base element of language has significant act in communication. As long as the writer observed by reading a lot of books there are many kinds of problem faced by the student in learning English especially vocabulary. First problem are understanding and memorizing . Most of students have found difficulties inunderstanding and memorizing words because they do not know the meaning of the words when they are learning it. The second problem is distinguishing the spelling between one word and the other. The students have frequently found some similar words and sounds in English. Those things make them feel confused. Because they are similar one to another. Related words to another words the student confuse too. The last problem is applying the words that have been learned into the sentence and the students sometimes unconfidence with their ability or to practice in front of the class even with their classmate.
To anticipate those problems teacher needs give a better way to the students to enhance their vocabulary stock and the way of teaching effectively.

G. The Teaching and Learning of Vocabulary:
Persistent issues
Four issues are particularly persistent in discussions among vocabulary instruction, as evident in the chapters in this volume: (a) the number of words that should be taught, (b) the particular words that should be taught, (c) the vocabulary learning of two groups of students—English-Language Learners and potentially at-risk students, and (4) the role of independent reading in vocabulary learning. These are not the only issues in vocabulary research and instruction, but these four issues are those that consistently underlie the presentation of issues and solutions by authors in this volume and in broader educational circles. We examine each one in turn.

H. The rule of Media
In teaching learning process teacher should becreative to make student interested in learning even when teaching foreign language that they think is difficult. If the teachers still use conventional method they should change it, and use the other method that are more interesting and protect students from being bored in learning foreign language.
One way to make the teaching active and interesting is by using interesting media. According to Arif S. Sadiman et.al (2007:7) Media is all of the things which could be used to convey the message from the sender to the receiver, so it can stimulate the thinking, feeling, talent, and also the students attention in order that the learning process occur.
Media adalah segala sesuatu yang dapat digunakan untuk memyalurkan pesan dari pengirim ke penerima, sehingga dapat merangsang pikiran, perasaan, perhatian, dan minat serta perhatian siswa sedemikian rupa sehingga proses belajar terjadi.
From the text above, media has important role in teaching learning process. If the teachers use it, they can use various media from the simple and low level untill at the high level. For instance : visual media , audio media, and audio- visual media like television and film. Beside there are many the advantages of media, Kasihani (2008: 101) explain the advantages of media , among others:
1. To build the motivation of student
2. To increas quality in teaching learning process
3. To make interesting and interactive learning process.
So, it is clear media has very important role and good influence in teaching learning process.

Using Lion King Movie in Teaching English Vocabulary of Animal Through Lion King Movie” seems easy, but I have analyzed about this method, and I found some difficulties in using it. First, The second, I have to think whether the students know about the pictures exactly. I should use the clear pictures in order to make the students see clearly and they do not confuse what the pictures are. The third, I should consider whether the students will get challenge in learning using these connective pictures, because the students usually like the challenge in their learning.
I found the difficulties in preparing this method. However, I should also think about advantages and disadvantages. Everyone likes learning using pictures through the game, because they can find the challenge and its fun as long as or after playing it. The advantages of using connective game are effective in improving speaking skills for the students. First, problem are understanding and memorizing . Most of students have found difficulties inunderstanding and memorizing words because they do not know the meaning of the words when they are learning it. The second problem is distinguishing the spelling between one word and the other. The students have frequently found some similar words and sounds in English. Those things make them feel confused. Because they are similar one to another. Related words to another words the student confuse too. The last problem is applying the words that have been learned into the sentence and the students sometimes unconfidence with their ability or to practice in front of the class even with their classmate. But because using movie the student curious to watching on the TV. Because they never study before using media or instrument when while they are studying. the pictures in that movie make the students more creative in making sentence to say. They can imagine any activities that the animal do if i ask question and give them to make sentence which related the activities of the animals in that movie. They can reveal their ideas and make it as good as possible. The second, the interesting pictures make the students more interested in learning English. They can learn pleasantly although they study in the class. The third, the students can increase their vocabularies by making many different sentences for the movie. The last, the students learn to analyze the pictures and try to express anything after they saw the pictures. They can analyze what happen in that movie, and it can stimulate their mind.
The disadvantages of using the connective pictures do not affect more for the students. First, I need more space to put the pictures in the class, because I have to use big enough pictures in order to be seen by the students. The second, I need more time in preparing the pictures, and the students need more time to think about the pictures and express their ideas.
After analyzing the Lion king movie, I got much more advantages that will be got by the students than the advantages. I command the students to make a connection between animal vocabulary with the activities of that animal and how many animals are there and try to account it together with other student. So, if I want to use Media to teaching English vocabulary of animal by using lion king movie I can find and use many ways and method thatcan improve and master the vocabulary.


Teaching English Vocabulary of Animal Through Lion King Movie”. in learning English is one of the effective methods that can be used by a teacher or other people. Some pictures in that movie give the learners considerable support in the language needed for the learning, and other advantage offer a stimulus and context, but there is specific language focus or support . the pictures in that movie make the students more creative in making sentence to say. They can imagine any activities that the animal do if i ask question and give them to make sentence which related the activities of the animals in that movie. They can reveal their ideas and make it as good as possible. The second, the interesting pictures make the students more interested in learning English.

For the success application using Lion king movie the writer propose the following suggestions:
1. Lion King movie is interesting movie and funnies it can make student happy and interesting
2. The kinds of animal in that movie is common in our inveronment.
3. Lion King Movie is good and educative contents for student which can improving their ability in animal vocabularies.

Arif.S.Sadiman,et.al.2007. Media pendidikan. Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada.
Coursen. R. 2009. Teaching Shakespare with film and television. United States Of America: Greenwood Press.
Nancy Frey, Douglas Fisher. 2008. Teaching visual literacy: using comic books, graphic, and more to develope comprehension and thinking skills. United states of america: Corwin Press.
Alan,S. Marcus, Richard J, Scott Alan. 2010. Teaching history with film: Strategies for secondary social studies. New York: Tylor and Francis Group.
Hiebert, H. Elfrieda, Kamil, L. Michael. 2005. Teaching and learning vocabulary bringing research to practice. Marwah, new jersey: Lawrence ertbaum associates inc.
(www://karya-ilmiah.um.ac.id/index.php/disertasi/article/view/6223.21-june at 0.23am))

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