Saturday, February 12, 2011

Anisa Indri Astuti

Name : Anisa Indri Astuti
Class : 3-A
NPM :09211210473
STUDIYING DELINGENTLY FOR THE FINAL EXAM Two weeks' time we will face whose name the final exam, which determine and assess whether we succeed and understand the learning system for six months, the final exam in my opinion is something very exciting because we're required to answer the question or questions properly and we have to work hard in studying for final exams in addition to learning, we together with prayer and should we ask for prayers for our parents either mother or father, because the prayers of my parents sure can do the problems or questions properly and do not forget ask for prayer to the lecturers who have given or distribute their knowledge to us so that we become a useful human being and has extensive knowledge not only extensive knowledge they teach they also taught us how to socialize to the community well and correctly, in addition to parents , family and my professors do not forget to ask for prayers to friends so that we can complete the final exam with a good and satisfying. many benefits that we can take in our final exam is more spirit in the face of things, and more enthusiasm in learning, and motivated to be the best in the final exam, how do we become the best in the final exam is very easy answer is that we learn to work hard to ensure we get results in accordance with the work we do that is with good results and satisfying as Muslims we should do the problems before us do not forget to read the prayer for best results amen.

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