Monday, January 23, 2012

Giri Ginanjar Harsyah

Name : Giri Ginanjar Harsyah
NPM : 05211210079
Subject : Writing in professional context II
The explicit teaching of learning strategies can aid language teachers in helping students attain the goals of improving their mastery of the target language and of learning about the target culture. Learning strategies are the thoughts and actions we engage in, consciously or not, to learn new information. The goal of teaching learning strategies is to help students to consciously control how they learn so that they can be efficient, motivated, and independent language learners. The intent of learning strategies instruction is to help all students become better language learners. When students begin to understand their own learning processes and can exert some control over these processes, they tend to take more responsibility for their own learning. This self-knowledge and skill in regulating one's own learning is a characteristic of successful learners, including successful language learners. Research with both first and second language learners is revealing some of the ways of thinking that guide and assist an individual's attempts to learn more effectively. Students who think and work strategically are more motivated to learn and have a higher sense of self-efficacy or confidence in their own learning ability. That is, strategic students perceive themselves as more able to succeed academically than students who do not know how to use strategies effectively. Students who expect to be successful at learning task generally are successful, and each successful learning experience increases motivation. In order to continue to be successful with learning tasks, students need to be aware of the strategies that led to their success. The value of this type of self-knowledge is that it leads to reflection, to planning how to proceed with a learning task, to monitoring one's own performance on an ongoing basis, and to self-evaluation upon task completion. In other words, it leads to self-regulation of one's learning. Students with greater metacognitive awareness understand the similarity between the current learning task and previous ones, know the strategies required for successful learning, and anticipate success as a result of knowing "how to learn." One study that investigated differences between more and less effective language learners focused on listening comprehension.

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