Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Name : Ida Farida
Class : 5 Evening
Npm : 08211210010
Task : Writing
My name is Ida Farida, usually my friends call me with Ida. I was born on June 5th 1985. and I live in Salabenda with my family. I have one brother and two young brother. And my hobby are cooking, make a cake, watching television, and browsing.I am studied in Ibn Khaldun university on Bogor. In my University I am The student and outside as the Teacher in MI NURUDDA’WAH Bogor, so I have so many schedule that make me tired Every times. Beside that, I get new knowledge and experience those benefits for me. I wake up at 05.00 am in the Morning and take a bath, then prayer Subuh, and helping my mother to do home works. After that I have breakfast then go to teach with my Uncle. After finishing teach directly go to campus to study. I have unforgettable moment is ,when I was go to Yogyakarta for study tour with SDN KAYU MANIS 1. it was happen when I saw Prambanan Temple, Borobudur Temple, New City, batik of factory, Parangtritis Beach, and Pangandaran Beach. That all of my profession. I live in a very simple country, my country is a lot of its residents, and also view of nature which so respect in eye approach, that is there are green rice field carpet, river water which is so clear. In this country the third my brother’s and I was born also enlarged by my parent’s, with affection and also attention which so big . In my family is very simple and also so heat, I am its member more is demure. To fulfill everyday requirement both my parent’s teaching a teacher, and from result of salary a teacher,
my parent’s defray education its child’s. My parent’s that way so candid and experience its obligation for the shake its child’s, so that in a moment wait to become success and successful child’s. And to this time I can try to learning better and I help work my mother at home, and also work to become good child. And hopefully my brother’s and I become child which reciprocate their services is parent’s. This countryside also I live neighbor upon and good friendly of audience people who, good, and also will help each other fellow being.
Name: Susilawati
NPM: 08211210668
Class: 5 semester Evening

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